2015年01月31日 14:28
鄧紫棋29日先抵達新加坡替一連3天「X.X.X. Live」巡演做準備,當晚就迫不及待外出品嚐美食,在臉書打卡跟粉絲分享。照片中,她手捧著一盤豐盛美食,開心地跟自己Instagram超過500萬個likes人氣紙框合照,不過整盤美食都沒有機會品嚐,無奈地寫下「大家在夜市裡狂吃沙嗲串時,幸好我還有清淡卻美味的鮮嫩海南雞可以吃。」她還指出照片裡的飯和湯是別人的,但這樣已經很知足。
照片一曝光後,鄧紫棋的粉絲們心疼偶像忌口吃太少,紛紛留言「要多吃一點才健康。」此外,由於她確定3月12日將在台北小巨蛋開唱,也有許多台灣年菜餐廳 桃園粉絲先在臉書留言推薦小吃美食,期待偶像能來台灣品嚐。
MILKING IT: The KMT later held its own flag-raising ceremony, at which Hung Hsiu-chu said that the party gets why ‘hardship’ was the public’s word of last yearBy Lin Liang-sheng and William Hetherington / Staff reporter, with staff writer and CNAIn a break with precedent, President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) did not give a New Year’s Day speech yesterday morning, instead marking the occasion by attending a flag-raising ceremony and singing the national anthem along with members of the military.Tsai and Vice President Chen Chien-jen (陳建仁) left the Presidential Office Building at 6:16am to join the hundreds of people already gathered in front to watch the New Year’s Day flag-raising ceremony, a tradition that has now been observed by four presidents.As the flag was raised, Tsai and Chen sang the national anthem along with the crowd and 45 soldiers from various units of the armed forces who recen年菜外賣 台中tly received commendations for their distinguished performances over the past year.The ceremony was followed by a performance by a group of drummers made up of the Ministry of National Defense Symphony Orchestra and an indie band called Fire Ex, best known for writing a song for the Sunflower movement in 2014.In past years, following the ceremony, top officials have gathered indoors to hear a speech by the president.However, this year Tsai set out key areas of policy focus and expressed her hopes for the new year at a news conference on New Year’s Eve.Tsai was celebrating her first New Year’s Day as president.Former president Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) attended the ceremony, saying he was there in an informal capacity.He sang the national anthem and saluted the flag in a spot far from where Tsai and other officials, including Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je (柯文哲), were standing.Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Chairwoman Hung Hsiu-chu (洪秀柱) accepted an invitation to attend the event, but also stood far way from Tsai.Hung, along with KMT vice chairmen Hau Lung-bin (郝龍斌), Chen Chen-hsiang (陳鎮湘) and Lin Jung-tzer (林政則), later attended a separate flag-raising event held by the KMT in front of its party headquarters in Taipei.In a speech, Hung said that she “refuses to stand with a government that disregards the law and the Constitution, simply borrowing the shell of a government to take office.”The sight of a Republic of China flag being raised moves her deeply, she said, adding that the nation has seen both great hardships and prosperity in its 106 years of existence.“What pains me is that the nation is facing this kind of situation. We apologize to this flag, truly apologize to this flag that has created the Republic of China,” Hung said.Noting that the word “hardship” was chosen by the public as the word to represent last year, Hung said that the KMT also experienced the hardship of two successive failures.“We felt distraught and at a loss for morale. We did not know how to face the situation,” Hung said, alluding to the KMT’s failure in the presidential election and its loss of majority in the Legislative Yuan.Hung said that the KMT was working “for the public” and that it would work toward peaceful relations with China, adding that the party would fight against the government’s proposed lifting of a ban on imports of food products from five Japanese prefectures and would strictly supervise Tsai’s administration.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES
(中央社記者葉素萍台北31日電)總統蔡英文今天與媒體茶敘,被連番追問「一中」議題,她強調,「我們不太需要跟著外面的人的調子來起舞」、「中華民國是一個獨立主權的國家,這件事情從來沒有動搖過」。 蔡總統今天與媒體進行年終茶敘,對於兩岸議題,蔡總統在致詞提到,北京當局,正一步步地退回對台灣分化、打壓,甚至威脅、恫嚇的老路,「我們希望這不是北京當局政策性的抉擇」;她隨後接受媒體提問時,也兩度說到,「希望這個變化不是北京當局一個政策性的抉擇」。 媒體追問,蔡總統能否具體回答,政府對國際社會的「一個中國政策」的看法是什麼? 蔡總統說,「我們不太需要跟著外面的人的調子來起舞」,很多對兩岸關係的詮釋、想法跟意見,這是我們參考的,但是她在520演講裡面講得很清楚,「中華民國是一個獨立主權的國家,這件事情從來沒有動搖過」。 她說,對於兩岸關係的處理,態度很清楚,她覺得,兩岸關係確實是所有台灣人的挑戰,是一個國家的挑戰,因此也有很多創意的空間,很多人試圖想要在這個困難的關係中找尋解決問題的方法,因此很多想法、意見、說法,這些都不是壞事,大家討論、一起發想,「但不要忘了,我們做為一個主權獨立國家的這件事情是我們集體的共識」。 外媒也追問,所謂的兩岸新共識,如果總統同意,中華民國憲法是一中憲法的前提下,是不是表示這個新共識將會建立在兩岸同屬一個國家的基礎上? 蔡總統則說,「我們不需要在這個時候就跳進任何結論」,她的基本立場還是一樣,先了解自己的定位,然後再求兩岸之間發展的可能性,這個優先順序不要把它搞錯了。 她說,兩岸所面對的困難,雙方是需要有些彈性,但她覺得更重要的是內部的共識跟內部一定程度對這個問題的團結意識的形成,才是最重要的。 蔡總統強調,兩岸的問題絕對不會是一個總統、一個政黨、一個政府可以單獨地替2300萬人做決定的事,這確實是一個很大的國家工程,過程中每個人的參與、討論都很重要,國家面臨許多重大議題,這些議題絕不是一般的公共議題或政策選擇的問題。它牽動的是每個人心裡所堅持的價值,這就需要有一些時間做社會溝通。 蔡總統說,從520以來,都抱持一個態度,在冷靜理性的基礎上,雙方都應該坐下來好好的談,「兩岸並不是沒有談的空間,也不是沒有創意的空間」,只要能夠冷靜、理性抱持著一個具有彈性的態度,相信可以找到讓雙方維持和平穩定關係的解決方法。 另外,對於亞太和平研究基金會董事長許信良日前說,大陸要把台灣邦交國挖走,「我們歡迎得很」,但大陸不會這樣。沒邦交國,對台灣生存發展一點關係都沒有,「小國對我們只是負擔」。 蔡總統說,她尊重許信良個人的看法,沒有特別的說法,對於未來有很多人有很多不同的看法,總而言之,還是要把整體的處理原則做一個釐清,「我們希望維持一個和平穩定的情勢,在和平穩定的情勢當中找新的機會」。1051231